Friday, January 7, 2011

Ode to 2010...It Was a Good Year For Riding

I suffer from severe wanderlust...if there was a support group, I would have to join...but, only if it were a traveling support group, held in various locations.

These itchy feet of mine are already plotting and planning my next adventures as soon as the weather warms up, though I'm actually more likely to seek some warmer air before the spring thaw in New England. And today, my softer side has reminded to slow down and look back on the adventures and appreciate all the fun I have had. So let's reminisce, shall we?

Oh, and one of these days, so you will understand where my gypsy blood comes from, I will have to introduce you to my mom who has moved at least ten times in the past fifteen years...bought houses each time, not rented...seriously...Mass to Florida to Maine to Nevada back to Florida to Mississippi to Mass to NC back to Maine back to Nevada and now planning a move back to Florida...pretty sure I have missed a move or two...god love her.

Anyway, 2010 was reported as the second warmest summer on record in Massachusetts.  It is not the heat that stood out for me but the sunny, dry weekends that allowed us to get in a lot of riding.

Okay so scratch that comment about the heat...our first weekend trip was up to Vermont, early summer and GOD LORD it was the 90s with 100% humidity but thankfully we did not get that weather until the day we were riding home.  We took backroads from Mass up to Vermont and landed in Killington.

Lots of traffic in Vermont...look closely and you can see the tractor coming thru....

And then it was our turn, more traffic...I was afraid he wasn't going to see us and we'd both go crashing thru to the river below...he waited his turn...

Interesting little food shop, don't ya think? Smokin' Bowls? Not sure exactly what it is they are serving up...unfortunately, they were not open...

Made a few trips to Laconia - for bike week, a vacation on the Lake and a few concerts at Meadowbrook (great place to see a show, btw)...Warm weather and sunshine brought pretty large crowds to Laconia Bike Week... Bike Week...who'da thunk it?

Okay so I lied, we did get some rain...this was at MeadowBrook Pavillion, Zac Brown concert...cleared up just in time for him to come on, thankfully....and, proof below that lawn seats suck..

Another warm, sunny weekend in New England and we found ourselves in Southern Maine.  We have a few new favorite places now. Bentley's was awesome...lots of bikes, a band playing and a pig roasting...

Hope to stay here this year - motel & campground attached to the bar

Went on a road trip south..trailer-ed the bike because, well sometimes you have to...this is not the trailer, this is actually my friends truck with his bike, just giving you a visual. Imagine a blue Dodge RAM with a trailer and a Road King on the back and there ya have it...

How can anyone drive down/up 95 through the Carolinas and NOT stop to see Pedro..seedy, tacky, trashy wonder of the south. Pedro's marketing budget must have been cut because there weren't nearly as many billboards as I remember. Kinda missed them...

I have a previous blog about my trip on the was F-U-N and I can't wait to go back. We spent some time in Blue Ridge, GA riding through the Smokies, in Chattonooga looking for some biker bars and then went further south...

Landed in Daytona and made the usual rounds, Iron Horse, Broken Spoke, Main Street, beach, AIA, and my uncle's house ;-)

Saw some boobs at this place, bartender flashes people as they walk in...kind of awkward for me...not really sure why women/girls do it? And, what is my reaction supposed to be? I understand why the guys like it, but I don't know...maybe if I was 20 and had a rack like she did, I would understand.

WOW, 2010 was great, filled with great riding, good times and goods friends..I am a lucky lady.  Now, where to next??

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