And all rested up from my 2 week vacation! To sum it all up for ya, there was lots of sleep, running, Tabasco sauce and whales! Not necessarily in that order, but a good time was had!
So, let me start off the whole vacation right here in the beautiful 'Mighty Miramichi.' That's right, my Dad and little sister came all the way from Ontario in my father's van and drove here to pick me up! Talk about being one lucky kat!
So from here I went right into Nova Scotia and all the way down to Brier Island where I went whale watching! Well, before we even got to go see the whales, I figured I had to get in the mood to see some whales, and what better way to get into "that" kind of mood but by watching Moby Dick, a classic! Gregory Peck did some of his finest work in that there movie!

Here's a shot for ya!

The next morning we woke up early and went whale watching on a research boat! How cool is that? One of the watchers was actually a whale tracker and she could tell me which whale was which by the spots on their tales! Here's some pics for all ya beautiful people!

My father and sister!

Here's a human Mommy and her baby!

This is some whale teeth! Aren't they awesome?

Tomorrow I'll post some more pictures of my journey and some more stories to tell! (I'm afraid that this will get tooo long!)
Have a good one and check back tomorrow for more pics and stories!!!
- Your Friendly Neighbourhood Beansy
Have a good one and check back tomorrow for more pics and stories!!!
- Your Friendly Neighbourhood Beansy
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