Thursday, November 30, 2006
Take your Award - Mr. Smallest weenie 2006 ;-))
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laughing at her.
'Really, what behaviour,' said Kuzmin contemptuously. Just then the sound of a gramophone playing a foxtrot came from his daughter's room and at the same moment the professor heard the chirp of a sparrow behind his back.
He turned round and saw a large sparrow hopping about on his desk.
'H'm . . . steady now! ' thought the professor. ' It must have flown in when I walked over to the window. I'm quite all right! ' said the professor to himself severely, feeling that he was all wrong, thanks to this intruding sparrow. As he looked at it closer, the professor at once realised that it was no ordinary sparrow. The revolting bird was leaning over on its
Kuzik Jared.
Sunday, November 26, 2006

At the beginning of the month Fatkat hosted a massive bash for the official wrap up of season one of Happy Tree Friends. Fatkat Financed and Co-Produced 39 seven minute episodes with Mondo media over the last year which are now airing globally (G4 Tech TV in Canada and United States).
While the awesome folks at Mondo Media couldn't make it up, they sent up tons of swag! Thanks guys! - Despite hiring a most kick ass band for the evening in Montgomery Moth, we also had our very own Development guru Buddy Bolton, fly up from NYC to smash out some Comedy for us here in Miramichi.
Check it out here on Youtube, or further down via Quicktime.
Thursday, November 23, 2006

Won't you kindly remove your hat and come in for some tea?
Wednesday, November 22, 2006

More pictures soon,
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Fatkat Animation Studios purchases Newcastle Legion building for upstairs office space, rents main floor back to veterans' group

MIRAMICHI - The banging clash of sledgehammers ripping apart the staging replaced the typically serene mood of the Newcastle Legion building yesterday.
It was the first day of renovations in the old building that will now house an animation company. The space from the stage will create more workspace for the new owners.
Fatkat Animation has done so well in its three-year Miramichi existence that it had to move, for a fourth time, to accommodate its continually expanding waistline.
And the only place that had enough room was the Newcastle Legion, Branch number 10.
The legion members put the building on the market a few years ago. Dwindling membership made it necessary for a few changes and the building was one of them. The 450 current members are just a fraction of its peak 1,400 person membership in its golden age.
The idea was to sell the 2½ storey building and move into a smaller building. Many of the Legion members, who are Second World War veterans in their 80s, have more difficulties using the stairs. So, moving into a single-storey place seemed to make sense. But, when Fatkat bought the building they struck a deal that looks like a win/win for everyone. Fatkat animation is taking over the second floor and the legion will remain in the building, renting out the first floor.
Fatkat Animation owner, "King of the Litter Box," Gene Fowler said it just seemed like the right thing to do. Not only will they have the rent from the Legion as income but the Legion members will still have a home base.
Fowler admits Fatkat's continued growth is a bit "scary" for a man who wanted to have a small business of about 20 employees in his native Miramichi. But, his dream has become a business success story and he hopes to inspire others in the Miramichi area to pursue their goals.
The company now has more than 60 employees. When it moves into the Legion, hopefully by January, the company will have more than 100 employees. Right now, animators and other Fatkat employees are crammed together sharing desks.
"We're running out of space," said Andrew Dunn, Fatkat's marketing manager.
Fowler himself has been working from home because three employees are in his office with no other space to move into. To accommodate their growing demand for employees, they've lured people from across
This homegrown company has attracted international attention. About 90 per cent of its business is done internationally. The company will sometimes come up with its own concepts or it will be asked to put an idea down on paper and make it reality. For example, Fatkat just finished one full season of 39 seven-minute episodes, of an adult-themed animated series called Happy Tree Friends for a company based in
Fowler's dreams fostered through hard work and dedication along with some help from all levels of government. "Miramichi is a great place to do business," said Dunn.
Now Fatkat is renovating. Walls will go up to allow for offices and a new roofing area will be put on the patio to make it into a work station area. At some point, a new storey will be added to allow for more workspace.
Legion president Denis McNeil admits seeing the old staging ripped out is hard, especially since he helped design it in the 1980s."It wasn't easy for us to give up this building," McNeil said, but added that he believes it was the right decision.
They too were doing a bit of their own renovations yesterday as they downsized from the entire building to one floor. Decisions were being made on what to keep, what to sell and what to give away to accommodate their cozier work space.But he believes they've made the right decision."I think we'll be OK," McNeil said. "I think we'll survive and part of that is because we've downsized. I'm pretty sure both of us can co-exist in the same building."
McNeil also hopes that Fatkat employees will take advantage of what they have to offer, including the bar area. A playful McNeil said, "I hope they (Fatkat) will pay our rent by using our bar."
This latest move is the largest in Fatkat's short history but it likely won't be the last. Fowler said the future could hold multiple locations for the business in Miramichi and beyond.
times & transcript staff
As published on page B2 on
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Thursday, November 16, 2006

Last night over at Big Brothers, Big Sisters, some of us Fatkats got together and purchased a xmas tree and decorated it for a BB-BS Christmas Auction. T'is a good thing! - All sorts of companies here in Miramichi bought trees and decorated them. The trees go up for bid to whomever, the highest bidders get the trees while the cashola goes to families in need.
Now don't you feel warm and fuzzy? I know I do...
...perhaps it's this small rodent I'm sitting on. Anyway! Moving on!

What a delicious tree!
Good job, we're going to get mega bucks for this thing!
Thursday, November 9, 2006

Lesson seven is about the creation of interest in your film or movie or film. in the above example you can see clearly that there is a tension in the air and the young revolutionary fellow is all too aware of his own mortality. Obviously you will be unable to summise your own story in so few lines. I am however, a proffessional of many years standing and so can instantly capture the imagination and attention of the viewer, drawing them into the story itself. Such lofty accomplishments will come in time but firstly i suggest you make a simple scene wherein a man who has recently lost his umberella on a bus (very common, making it more easy to animate). he of course purchases another, well you never know do you? On returning home he finds that his original umberella is by the door where he left it and not as he thought 'lost'. As you can see this is a straight forward, up and down premise. for added simplicity use stop motion animation and nothing but eggs. good luck
Sunday, November 5, 2006

Watch some clips of Montgomery Moth on Youtube!

Awesome gig everyone, big thanks to Liz, Dallas, Tara, Choo Choo's and Andrew Dunn, because it's all coming out of his marketing budget! MUHAHA!
Lovies to all!
PS: Watch this clip of Beans busting a groove!