Finally!! After a long wait, we get to see who won this damn contest! OooOH the suspence! OoooOH! the prizes!
Thanks to all for their patience, we had some hurdles to overcome in getting this all together. Special thanks to every kat who entered and especially the judges; Aaron Simpson of Cold Hard Flash, Rita Street of Radar Cartoons, Tony Grillo of Flinch Studio, Olaf Pytlik of Dacapo Productions and of course our very own Big Show - Andrew Blodgett for filling in.
Extra Special thanks go out to Gwen Mitchell, who did a great job at producing the contest and keeping on people's asses for their submissions. Next year promises to be even better as Aaron Simpson has offered to help out in the planning as well. AWESOME!
To them go new video ipods, Fatkat jackets and a free trip to the 2006 Ottawa International Animation Festival!
For Best Animated Series Pitch:
Keith Dury, for "Uncommon Ground".

Melanie Albert, for "Heaven".
For Best Animated Short:
Melanie Albert, for "The Moonchild)
Other winners include:
Second place in the short division for
"Bad Kitty and the Invasion of the Star Flies".
Second place in the spot division for

Heather stares down Milky... with good reason too.

Jon and Michaud celebrate a win at Fatkat Trivia!

The crowd gets restless...

Geremy looking great in his sportsjacket.

Oh Andrew, the patience you have...

Geremy going over his plan to have everyone in a thong by night's end. It almost happened too.
Thanks to everyone who helped me make this a great event, Dallas Daigle, Liz Hogan, Nikki, Andrew, my fabulous producers, the great folks at Easy Home and of course Dooly's for use of their equipment and space.

See you next year!
PS: Check out this video of our very own Patrick Proulx hitting kareoke like it ain't no thang!