Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Awesome news comes are way at least once a month, this month - man it's gotta be our letter from Teletoon requesting a pilot on our show "My Adventures With Cloe". A product of Chris Seimasko and Buddy Bolton, this project has attached some awesome talent including writer/comedian Kurt Metzger and of course the wonderful artists at Fatkat Animation Studios.

Buddy came to us back in the winter of 2004 to complete a demo on Cloe, over the last 2 years our relationship has grown to amazing heights, partnering not only on Cloe but on a dozen or more shows as well. I see Buddy more then I see my own family, that's how often he flies up here.

(Note to self: Take time to see own family).

After 8 years of courting Canada's #1 Cartoon network we finally caught their eye with one of our properties. My Adventures with Cloe promises to be one of the best adult comedy shows on TV - animated or not!

To see more of the pilot's progress over the upcoming weeks check out the
My Adventures with Cloe production Blog.



Monday, July 24, 2006


Late last week we hopped a flight to NYC to go see a client who we're about to start production on a 52 x 11 minute series with. It's going to be great, what a sexy show! (More details soon).

Their joint is so hoppin, everyone has 21 inch Cintiq tablets!!!

Here's our Producer on the project Nisa Contreras with Fatkat's Animation Director Daniel Theriault and Happy Tree Friends Producer Doug Little.

It wasn't long before Nisa put me to work hammering out the production schedule!

Later that night we met up with the uncomparable Buddy Bolton. Who treated us to one of his comedy shows at the Laugh Factory. What a set, buddy is a genius.

Buddy was easily the funniest comic there, man working with this guy is a blast.

His fans think he's the funniest too, he was swarmed by ladies after the show!

Later on that night Dougie, Daniel and I went and celebrated a solid work day in NYC with a couple of cold ones!

More on upcoming projects soon!


Wednesday, July 19, 2006


The Premier of New Brunswick came up for a quick chatty chat with us here at Fatkat. He's announced nearly $100k worth of funding for our expansion efforts including our marketing initiatives. Pretty damn cool eh!?

Here's some Fatkat Big Wigs with "The Dude". From Left to right; Nikki, Dougie, Big Show, "TheDude", Me, Tara, Tanker and Andrew Dunn.

Big Show and I felt the conversation was stimulating, Nikki was dozing off and Dougie was asleep! - HA! - Just Joking! - Some great information was passed on to us by Mr. Lord that we'll be sharing with our krew very soon!!

He's a pretty Kool Kat! Maybe next time he'll stay for a Red Bull.


Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Fear not dear friends and lovers of fine silly pictures. Our friend Mick "The Greatest Damn Cartoonist in the world" Harrison has finally got a blog. Now go forth and leave comments!


Hey guys,

Here's our new krew picture. Wow, are we ever getting big, we now have about 50 full time employees and a great deal of contractors. Some are scattered throughout the world and couldn't make the picture, they are: John Nowlan, Dave Rigley, Andrea Rania & Mike Gilbert. Other full time employees who couldn't make it are: Buddy Bolton, Bobby Pettigrew, Paul Dupuis and Liz Hogan.

Funny enough Mick Harrison had time to beam over from Ireland for the shoot, you can spot him peeking out behind one of the masts!

Here's a funnier version.


Monday, July 17, 2006


Hey Cool, look at this! One of our old And Yet I Blame Hollywood episodes was featured on Google Video!

We did these back in 2003 with Copie Zero, it was New Brunswick's first animated series ever! - We had a ton of fun doing them too. We're currently working again with Copie Zero on bringing them back to life!

Perhaps I'll start posting one a week here on the fatkat blog.


PS: Thanks for David Alston for the tip off.

Saturday, July 15, 2006


So a few months ago we were making some noise outside of our building and a redbull car pulled up. These girls wined and dined us of tales of Red Bull and promised us a fridge full of their delicious nectar and a few months supply all free of charge!

"Yeah right" we all thought, but then they returned today and now we're all giddy schoolkids!!

The world's smallest car yet she can't parrallel park the damn thing.

Taking dry humping to a new level.

Chris grabbing the fridge...

.. while I make some outrageous changes to their shipping and recieving information.

YUM! Let's all get some!

Erika shows us how to open cans of refreshment in Cape Breton.



Red Bull Girl #1 Reneé Hamilton.

Red Bull Girl #2 Gill Donald.

Thanks girls and thanks Red Bull!!!


Thursday, July 13, 2006



Thank you for a great first year of Geeguides! The client has asked me to express his appreciation for all the hard work, and says that they are all very impressed and pleased with the product. Coming from a bunch of ex-Disney guys, that says a lot.

Geeguides is, without a doubt, one of the best clients we’ve ever had. They are prepared, dedicated, and professional. They always follow through on their word, and seem to have a real focus on their goals and how to realistically achieve them.

Flinch is lucky to have this client, but we are even more lucky to be working with a bunch of guys like you. You have all pushed yourselves to achieve what I consider to be some of the best-looking work this company has ever produced.

The outstanding work of Willie & the design team: Peter, Ben and Cliff… Ansar’s relentless pursuit for perfection (or at least for making me happy)… At Fatkat - Neven’s patience and diligence, & the seemingly bottomless well of talent at Fatkat Animation Studios (you guys never cease to surprise me), and the magic wand waved by Steve A. Beans and Cameron… these are the people I remember when I ponder how we were able to pull this off. But I cannot forget the tireless leadership of Gene, Patrick and eventually, Big Show. Am I forgetting someone?

Ah yes, Steve Grillo, who not only blew me away by stepping in right at the very beginning and keeping the heart beating on this whole job, but who fulfilled my dream of working closely and creatively with my Big Brother. Steve, this job would have been a still-birth without you, thanks for keeping it alive and for running one of the best teams working!

Tony Grillo

From the very cobweb-ridden bottom of my clunky heart, I thank all of you for giving this project your time and dedication! It gives me pride to say I worked with you!


Tony Grillo
President, Flinch Studio

Thanks for the note Tony, we love you guys too!! :o)


Wednesday, July 12, 2006


We teamed up with one of our ad agencie pals in NYC for this gig, boy oh boy did it ever have a tight deadline too! - Mega did up the designs just before he left and a whole whack of us carried out the rest of the design and animation for it all.

It looks pretty good with all things considered - especially the mental state it left us in!! :o) -

Good times though! Click around, there's lots of easter eggs to find!


Tuesday, July 11, 2006


With so many new gigs pouring in it's hard to keep our heads above water! - Which is exactly why we hire great folks to help us run the good ship Litterbox! Pictured here is Heather MacDonald. Heather was part of a freelancing team that we recently acquired. She's awesome!!

Tracy Fernandez-McGraw is our spunky new Business Development agent. She's assisting us in finding all sorts of new and cool clients to work with. GO GET 'EM TRACY!!

Neil Davies, another awesome artist who was part of that freelance gang. Neil is currently heading up a promotional animated video on Accounting for one of our newest clients!

Jeff Davis is a new grad from NBCC Miramichi and is currently animating on a web series for an ad agency out of New York. It's a big project dude, make us proud!!

Ryan Keizer the last of the Freelance group is now heading up a new webseries gig for us. He's doing great, super on the ball this one! Nice pants, let's make flags out of them!

I'm happy you're all here, let's rock out!




It all starts with the sneak attack, notice how Big Show doesn't suspect a thing; gabbing away like a schoolgirl.

Then the carnage starts!!

We heard silly string is extremley flammable, too bad Patrick didn't have his lighter, or better yet, that Big Show wasn't smoking at the time!

Yeah! - Right in the mouth, what a money shot!

After cleaning up the lawn, we treated Big Show to a nice silly string smoothie.

Happy Birthday Dude,


Friday, July 7, 2006


Alot of Fatkat's here have some similarities to industry celebrities. Our David Michaud looks like Ralph from the Muppet show, I resemble Alfred E. Newman from the Mad Magazing covers a bit, Kameron looks like Gonzo a bit, Big Show looks like... ...Jackie Chan.

But the best one I think is our very own Bobby Pettigrew and his resemblence to Montgomery Burns from The Simpsons. Check it out.

Maybe it's just me...
